Monday, April 26, 2010

There is no Fear in God's Perfect Love (1 Jn. 4:18)

Yesterday, I preached MYSELF free. Like Job who prayed for his friends I got a double blessing of God's perfect love. I was intending to raise my congregation, friends and family out the "fear slump" caused by the world's economic uncertainties.
During service, my daughter Kue danced to Tye Tribbet's, "Chasing God." And her dance convicted me that I had taken my eyes off of God, and put them on people. As I preached, I realized that I needed to be freed from fearful people, places and things. I had fear OF people falling, failing and forfeiting their Kingdom inheritance. And I had fear FOR people in need and distress.
Are you fearful? Remember there is absolutely NO lack in Jesus Christ -- not in His power, presence, provision or promise. God did not give us a spirit of fear.(2 Tim. 1:7) And if God didn't give it to us, who did? Like God asked Adam in Genesis 3:11, "Who told you that you were naked?" Who have you been listening to that caused your heart to fail for fear? (Luke 21:26)
Today I say: Keep your heart with diligence for out of it springs the issues of life. (Prov.4:23) Trust in the Lord always, and He will GIVE you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4) Whenever you are afraid, trust in the Lord. (Psalms 56:3)


Unknown said...

I had to let fear go a few months ago, fear of not having friends and being alone. But what I realize is that some of the friends that I had was putting me in that fear. I come into an agreement with the word of God, to know that I will never be alone if I have His Son Jesus Christ. If you have not tried Him please do. I am not fearful of not having friends or being alone any more. For friends will come and go, but Jesus will always be there for you. said...

Your sermon preached me FREE. I was fearful during the months of December '09 through March '10. I had experienced financial difficulties and was in a dilema. You had preached earlier in 2009 not to do anything with regard to "mortgages." It was a real "temptation" not/not to proceed toward refinancing or just giving up my house and moving to an apartment. I held out and did not move forward. I can virtually "see" the light at the end of the tunnel because I held firm and did not "bite" the "fear bait" that all the newcasters and "talking heads" predicted would come. GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL. HE IS OUR PRIOVIDER. HAVE NO FEAR, HE IS NOT DEAD!

Anonymous said...

God has been touching my heart to believe more and to now that "NO Weapon Formed" against me or my children shall prosper. I have had many battles and obstacles I know that JESUS has seen me through everyone. I now Know when god is about to bless the enemy brings about a false presence of fear so i will continue to hold fast to what JESUS is saying because in Jesus there is no fear, and Love which is the love of JESUS cast out all fear and all the tricks and attacks of the enemy. Thank you Apostle for sending me this because sometimes we all need a wake up call to know who's we are and what his power stand for.

Anonymous said...

My comments are: That there is no need to fear, I have to know that i know that Jesus has my back in every situation, And that fear has no place in me or my family life. I must continue to trust and look at Jesus for my instructions and not at the situations that may come. Thanks Apostle for sending me this because it helps to keep me focused and to know the Ulitimate Power of Christ Jesus and to know that 'No Weapon that is Formed Againt Me or My Family will propser'.

Amirah said...

Hey, Does anybody want to come with me? Today I've decided to go to that secret place in God where nothing else matters. Do you desire to go? All of our worries, all of our offenses from others, all of our fears of the devil, fears about the future, and fears about what others think about us will surprisingly not even matter when in the secret place of God. Did I say, "not even matter?" Yes. The bible says that In the presence of God there is the fullness of Joy and in His right hand there are pleasures forever more (ref Psalm 16:11). Where is our Joy? our peace? our first love and passion that we had for God when we first believed? So many things try to distract us and cause us to be paranoid about things, people and the future. Our minds are filled with fear, terror and worry. Is this what we signed up for when we gave our lives over to Christ Jesus? To be paranoid and spiritually dead? I know I didn't and I will not settle for anything less than what God has for me. My God says "I know the plans that I have for you, plans to proper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE. God is greater than the devil. He looks at the devil and laughs. How Great is Our God. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go back to the place where God intends for me to be. Let's go right now and run hand-in-hand into the presence of our King! It is there we will find the Lord seated high on his throne and His Glory filling the temple of our hearts. That's the place I need to be. Come with me today and be free to let it all go..Forgive EVERYBODY that hurt you...Let it go, Love EVERYBODY that comes your way, laugh & Be FREE to be who you are (you don't have to fake). It's God's will that we live and not die (even in the way we think about things.)Elevate your thinking to going glory to glory to glory in God. Let's go Higher & Keep Chasing After Him! Lord, we want to go Higher! I hope this song ministers to you, "Secret Place" by Karen Clark-Sheard, it is truly one of my favorites that I've listened to and ministered in dance to. It is absolutely beautiful.

Unknown said...

There is no Fear in God’s Perfect Love 1 John 4:18

This pass Sunday’s message was encouraging to me.
A confirmation not to trust in the world and that, which perishes.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Tim. 1:7
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.
He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18

Now I did not have any fears caused by the world's economic uncertainties.
I have learned this pass year to trust in God. I have not worked since Sept. 09.
God has sustained my family and me.

Recently I had a choice to make. To be governed by a controlling spirit of witchcraft or totally trust in the living God. My choice was to trust in the Living God. The results of that decision I was disinherited. It has gone as far as a Power of Attorney is being changed. Because I refuse to allow the enemy to control me any longer, regardless of whom he works through. Today I can say that my inheritance is truly among them, which are sanctified by faith that is in Christ Jesus. Acts 26:18b.

The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.
Psalms 16:5

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
Ephesians 1:11-12

Anonymous said...

I stand on 2 Cor. 12:10; Romans 8:28. Fear was making me think I would have a heart attack for lack of sleep! I thought I had been thru it all. Not! A Christian that I highly respected, on my NEW job, had me devasted. Treating others as if they are beneath him. Then he treated me so blatantly to me that I told my supervisor that it shocked me and I 'feared' it was going to hinder me learning my new job. I actually witnessed him yelling at and degrading several other people, especially women. And at first I prayed for him - that whatever had been done to him by these people to cause him to act this way would be reveresed against them. Until he did it to me! I couldnt tell anyone at the church because he was highly respected at church. I know God gave me this job, yet at the hands of a Christian, I feared I would lose it! But your message corrected me-God is able! No title at work or church is mightier than the Lord. I know God isn't dead! I thank you Apostle.

Anonymous said...

I serve a Great God! And in times like this, I am tested to trust him daily for decisions I have to make. How will I know he is a GREAT God unless I am placed in situations where He shows himself mighty and strong to me. Leaning on Him when I cant see my way and waiting on Him when I need an answer is drawing me closer and closer to Him. When fear tries to engulf me, a faith song rings in my spirit. That is God talking to me and saying, 'Remember, I got this daughter.' And like always, He works it out for me every time.